Monday, January 20, 2014

Tips on How to "Live Juicy"

"Living juicy" are current buzzwords meaning engaging fully in life and living each day to the fullest. What living juicy is to you, is, of course, strictly subjective. I find myself going through a mid life review (don't want to say crisis because fortunately, I have come this far without anything that in the big picture, can really be called crises, though this too, is an objective/subjective term). What I have found works for me to keep me vital, happy, content are the following, but by no means all , of course. Perhaps some may resonate with you.
Have the white chocolate peppermint latte instead of just a black coffee
Instead of the French manicure, get purple polish
Grow or buy flowers in the dead of a Minnesota winter
Tell someone working hard at their minimum wage that they do a great job and that they made your day
order dessert
even and especially if its inconvenient to you, reach out and help someone else
color your hair red, even if its just once
wear color instead of your usual black, white, beige wardrobe
if you always read fiction, pick up an autobiography or interesting reference book
go to a psychic
seems cliche, but go barefoot outside
break the bank and buy that miracle cream you've always heard about
wear green eyeshadow, not your usual brown
have a second drink or glass of wine with dinner
go on a vacation and spend at least one night at a wildly expensive hotel 
try a massage
surprise a few trick or treaters at Halloween with really BIG candy bars
send an older woman an anonymous shot at a bar
tell someone NO when they ask you to do something you really don't want to do but they've come to expect, don't feel you have to explain why
if you can, adopt one more pet from a shelter or rescue
give $20 to someone randomly, insist you saw it drop out of their coat
instead of the fruit and yogurt, have the biscuits and gravy
lay down in the middle of a really big field
stop and help a turtle cross the road
have a glass of champagne and watch the sunset from somewhere cozy, or if you don't have a view, just watch the world outside soften and go dark
eat the donuts at the staff meeting, don't have them be the white elephants in the room everything is just thinking of and staring at
 I have actually done all of these or a variation of these, some repeatedly.After reading a few of my juicy tips, I am sure you can think of your own. Obviously we can't do them ALL every day, we don't want to turn into alcoholic, overweight people who are broke and wearing green eyeshadow, but remember to try something today that brings you joy and makes you feel alive.