Friday, March 9, 2012

Chico's and the Tampon Girl

Remember back in the 70s, where there were all those ads for Modess and Kotex on tv? The models in the ads were always these very wholesome looking, blonde teenagers, usually bouncing on a trampoline or doing some type of gymnastics to demonstrate how their periods weren't going to curtail them from bouncy fun. The activities coupled with the 'girl next door-only better, more popular' models always had this weird element of cheesiness to them. Sort of made you cringe in a grossed out way. My friends and I always scornfully referred to them as "tampon girls'. Well, thats the way the Chico's ads strike me. Chico's, for those two of you left on the planet who don't know, is an upscale spendy clothing line for the trendy late 40s-60 yr old woman. A woman who still wants to look cool but not like a total idiot.I have no beef with the clothing. If I made a hundred thousand a year, I'd probably shop there myself. My issue is with their model. She's a dark haired beauty, looks to be about 50, always with this big botoxed smile on her face. She is forever prancing around in the ads, shaking her booty...she does absolutely nothing for their image. She's like some weird Stepford wife on steroids. I just watched their latest ad where at the end, they just show her doing some ridiculous little dance, in short, looking like a complete ass. Why don't they show her doing something badass, like drinking a martini, riding a motorcycle, walking down the street with some young arm candy? She is nothing but a menopausal Tampon girl.